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No accessibility annotations are needed for dropdowns, but keep these considerations in mind if you are modifying Carbon or creating a custom component.

What Carbon provides

Carbon bakes keyboard operation into its components, improving the experience of blind users and others who operate via the keyboard. Carbon incorporates many other accessibility considerations, some of which are described below.

Keyboard interactions

A dropdown component and its variants multiselect and combo box are reached by Tab, with navigation of the options by Up and Down arrow keys. However, the keys for opening the component and selecting its options are different for each variant.

Tab to dropdown then operate with arrow keys

Dropdowns are in the tab order and operable by Up and Down arrow keys, once opened.


The default dropdown opens with Enter, Space or Down arrow, with focus moving to the currently selected option. Arrow keys change options, and any option with focus is selected with Space or Enter, which also closes the dropdown. Pressing Esc or Tab closes a dropdown without changing the selected option.

Dropdowns are activated and their options selected with Space or Enter keys. Esc closes without changing option

The Space and Enter keys can be used to open dropdowns and also select an option with focus. Pressing Esc cancels and closes the interaction.


The multiselect opens with the Enter or Space keys, which are also used to toggle the selection of any option. Once items are selected, a tag appears in the field, showing a numerical representation of the number of items selected along with an ‘x’. Pressing Esc closes the multiselect. Pressing Delete while focus is in the collapsed field will clear all selected options.

Space and Enter keys open multiselects and toggle the selection of checkbox options. Esc closes.

Space and Enter keys open multiselects and toggle the state of the checkboxes in the list. Esc closes the list.

Combo box

The combo box has significantly different operation, since it is a combination of a text input and a dropdown. Enter or the Up or Down arrow keys will open the list of options, as will typing any character or string of characters (which will also filter the list to only show items that match the typed string). Pressing Esc will clear the input and collapse the list. Pressing Enter will select a highlighted option and collapse the list. (If nothing is highlighted in the list, pressing Enter will just toggle the combo box open and closed.) Space cannot be used for selecting, as pressing it will submit a space character into the filter string.

The Enter key opens and selects items in a combo box. Arrow keys can open and navigate the options. Esc clears the input and closes.

Combo boxes can be opened with the Enter or Up and Down arrow keys. Enter selects the highlighted option in the list. Esc clears the input and closes the combo box.

Development considerations

Keep these considerations in mind if you are modifying Carbon or creating a custom component.

  • The dropdown and multiselect variant use a button with aria-haspopup="listbox".
  • The combo box uses an input with role="combo box", aria-autocomplete="list", aria-haspopup="listbox" and autocomplete="off".
  • The combo box uses aria-controls for a div with role="listbox".
  • All variants use aria-expanded to track the state of the listbox.
  • See the ARIA authoring practices for combo box for more considerations.